It is our privilege to bring to you recordings of messages preached from the pulpit of Grace Baptist Church. Our objective is to faithfully communicate God’s Word so that our lives are not left the same, but are changed into Christ’s likeness as we grow in grace and in the knowledge of Him.
Sermons are listed below in reverse chronological order. Click the play button to listen from your browser, or click the download link to download the audio file to your computer. Click on a sermon title to see additional information about a sermon.
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37 sermons match the above filter
Hastening The Coming |
2 Peter 3:1-12 (Part of the Miscellaneous series). |
Preached by Tom Boehm on April 14, 2024 (Sunday Evening). |
Love - To Be Pursued Or Produced? |
1 Timothy 6:6-11 (Part of the The Two Great Commandments series). |
Preached by Paul Johnson on July 14, 2019 (Sunday Evening). |
To Him Be Glory! |
2 Peter 3:18 (Part of the 2 Peter series). |
Preached by Paul Johnson on May 23, 2010 (Sunday Morning). |
A Closing Exhortation to the Beloved |
2 Peter 3:18 (Part of the 2 Peter series). |
Preached by Paul Johnson on May 16, 2010 (Sunday Morning). |
A Closing Warning to the Beloved |
2 Peter 3:17 (Part of the 2 Peter series). |
Preached by Paul Johnson on April 25, 2010 (Sunday Morning). |
The Value of the Consistent Voice of Scripture |
2 Peter 3:15-16 (Part of the 2 Peter series). |
Preached by Paul Johnson on April 18, 2010 (Sunday Morning). |
Not Slowness, But Salvation |
2 Peter 3:15 (Part of the 2 Peter series). |
Preached by Paul Johnson on April 11, 2010 (Sunday Morning). |
To Be Found in Peace |
2 Peter 3:14-15 (Part of the 2 Peter series). |
Preached by Paul Johnson on March 28, 2010 (Sunday Morning). |
What Kind of People Ought We To Be? |
2 Peter 3:10-15 (Part of the 2 Peter series). |
Preached by Paul Johnson on March 21, 2010 (Sunday Morning). |
The Day of the Lord Shall Come! |
2 Peter 3:10-15 (Part of the 2 Peter series). |
Preached by Paul Johnson on March 14, 2010 (Sunday Morning). |
Seeing God's Perspective of the Promise of His Coming |
2 Peter 3:8-10 (Part of the 2 Peter series). |
Preached by Paul Johnson on February 14, 2010 (Sunday Morning). |
What Scoffers Willfully Ignore |
2 Peter 3:4-7 (Part of the 2 Peter series). |
Preached by Paul Johnson on January 31, 2010 (Sunday Morning). |
Know of the Scoffers |
2 Peter 3:3-4 (Part of the 2 Peter series). |
Preached by Paul Johnson on January 24, 2010 (Sunday Morning). |
Remember the Word |
2 Peter 3:1-2 (Part of the 2 Peter series). |
Preached by Paul Johnson on January 17, 2010 (Sunday Morning). |
The Judgment of False Teachers, part 3 |
2 Peter 2:1-9 (Part of the 2 Peter series). |
Preached by Paul Johnson on January 10, 2010 (Sunday Morning). |
The Judgment of False Teachers, part 2 |
2 Peter 2:1-22 (Part of the 2 Peter series). |
Preached by Paul Johnson on November 22, 2009 (Sunday Morning). |
The Judgment of False Teachers, part 1 |
2 Peter 2:1 (Part of the 2 Peter series). |
Preached by Paul Johnson on November 15, 2009 (Sunday Morning). |
The Morals of False Teachers, part 4 |
2 Peter 2:13-22 (Part of the 2 Peter series). |
Preached by Paul Johnson on November 8, 2009 (Sunday Morning). |
The Morals of False Teachers, part 3 |
2 Peter 2:10-12 (Part of the 2 Peter series). |
Preached by Paul Johnson on October 25, 2009 (Sunday Morning). |
The Morals of False Teachers, part 2 |
2 Peter 2:1-22 (Part of the 2 Peter series). |
Preached by Paul Johnson on October 18, 2009 (Sunday Morning). |
The Morals of False Teachers, part 1 |
2 Peter 2:1-22 (Part of the 2 Peter series). |
Preached by Paul Johnson on September 27, 2009 (Sunday Morning). |
The Methods and Message of False Teachers |
2 Peter 2:1-3 (Part of the 2 Peter series). |
Preached by Paul Johnson on September 20, 2009 (Sunday Morning). |
How Are You To Be Reminded? |
2 Peter 1:19-21 (Part of the 2 Peter series). |
Preached by Paul Johnson on August 16, 2009 (Sunday Morning). |
Who Needs to Do the Reminding? |
2 Peter 1:12-18 (Part of the 2 Peter series). |
Preached by Paul Johnson on August 9, 2009 (Sunday Morning). |
You Need to Be Reminded |
2 Peter 1:12-15 (Part of the 2 Peter series). |
Preached by Paul Johnson on July 26, 2009 (Sunday Morning). |
© 2007-2024 Grace Baptist Church of the Comox Valley